Telling what we see, how we feel, where we go.

  • Vol.01: TAKENOSENKO - Roll dyeing -

    Vol.01: TAKENOSENKO - Roll dyeing -

    Sakai Citya, a corner of Osaka Prefecture, has been a hub of various industries since ancient times. Among them, the industry that could be considered the symbol of this city...

    Vol.01: TAKENOSENKO - Roll dyeing -

    Sakai Citya, a corner of Osaka Prefecture, has been a hub of various industries since ancient times. Among them, the industry that could be considered the symbol of this city...

  • ISSUE No.01 : The history of "TENUGUI"

    ISSUE No.01 : The history of "TENUGUI"

    Even 1300 years ago, during the Nara period, the word "Tenugui" did not exist, but the existence of such a cloth is considered to have already been there. It is...

    ISSUE No.01 : The history of "TENUGUI"

    Even 1300 years ago, during the Nara period, the word "Tenugui" did not exist, but the existence of such a cloth is considered to have already been there. It is...